Blu & Reggie’s Story

🎉 Blu and Reggie are home 🎉

Both these dogs were seized in November 2023, they were accused of injuring another dog when they were being walked by their dog walker.

The reality is that Blu and Reggie were the dogs who were injured, the other dog is known in the neighbourhood for being reactive to other dogs.

The three dogs were in an alleyway near Blu and Reggie’s home, the dog walker asked Blu and Reggie to sit for the other dog to pass, however, as they passed the other dog reacted to them.

The police initially visited Blu and Reggie’s owner and observed the dogs, he played with them and was happy to leave them at home. A few days later, late at night their owner was woken by police banging on her door, they seized both dogs.

After being held for 13 months these two young dogs are back home, the court found the owner NOT GUILTY 🎉

Fortunately neither dog has been affected by their ordeal, they are still loving and well behaved.

Welcome home boys ❤️

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