Cola’s Case

πŸ€ Good luck Cola πŸ€

This is such a sad story of an owner down on his luck and a dog who is the most important thing he’s ever had in his life.

Cola belongs to a homeless man, she is well trained, including already muzzle trained, her owner is well thought of and well supported in the community, neither have caused fear or injury to anyone.

Her owner was arrested for sleeping on the streets in West Yorkshire, as a consequence Cola was seized and subsequently typed as a banned breed. This almost led to her owner ending his life but his fantastic support team have kept him going.

Her owner has got himself clean and now has housing ready for Cola’s return. However, at the 11th hour the police have stated Cola is displaying ‘aggression’ in kennels, the hearing is tomorrow so there’s no time to have an independent assessment carried out.

Dogs often become fearful and stressed in kennels, this needs to be taken into account, especially for dogs which were previously impeccably behaved.

Please send all your luck and positive thoughts for Cola and her Dad at court tomorrow. We will continue to support with advice if an appeal is needed, this case is covered by legal aid so no donations have been requested so far πŸ€

7th January 2025 – *** UPDATE ***

Cola’s Dad has been shown all your lovely comments by his support worker today, he is overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness, he thought as he was homeless no-one would care about him and Cola.

More paperwork was given to Cola’s solicitors by the police prosecution, 4 hours after the hearing!

The case has been listed for a full hearing on May 21st, although it’s quite some time away, Cola will now have a full independent assessment to report on her behaviour and also whether she is actually an XL Bully.

To keep up to date on Cola’s case please see our Facebook page –

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