Nipsy’s Story


We are a bit late posting this one, she was returned home last week. Her owner was contacted by the police at the beginning of December to say they had a report that she owned a banned breed, they informed her someone would call to seize Nipsy.

As you can imagine, the whole month was fraught with worry, every knock on the door made them think she would be taken. Christmas was not the happy time it should have been.

On December 30th the knock on the door was the one they dreaded, Nipsy was taken by the police. The family spent a whole week not knowing what would happen, then finally on January 7th she was returned as a free dog.

Whilst we understand that reports of banned breeds need to be investigated, it’s such a shame that assessments can’t be carried out at home to reduce the stress on families and dogs. The 7 days kennel bill is paid from taxpayers money also.

Welcome Home Nipsy

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