Today three children’s hearts have been broken
Ace was their best friend, he was seized by @Hertfordshirepolice along with their other dog, Cali. Ace was a young, fit and healthy boy, Cali had unfortunately been involved in an incident with another dog, the police seized both dogs even though Ace wasn’t involved.
The police had assessed both dogs, they passed the temperament and behaviour test with flying colours, both Cali and Ace were good dogs. Neither dog were classed as banned breeds.
Our hearts sank this morning when Ace’s owner told us the police had contacted her to say he had been rushed to the vet, Ace had not been eating or drinking. Soon after she had the call to say he had passed away in the vets.
When he was taken the family promised him they would fight to bring him home, that has been taken away from them. Ace’s owners haven’t even been interviewed by the police yet.
Please email DEFRA to highlight another young and healthy dog dying in the “care” of police approved kennels. https://www.saveourseizeddogs.org/campaigns
Ace’s owners are requesting an independent Post Mortem, we have agreed to help with funding for this.
We’re so sorry our system let you down Ace
** Ace was NOT seized under BSL **
Ace update
We are frustrated and disappointed that we have failed to get the post mortem that we wanted for Ace.
His owner had arranged the PM with her own vet, she was collecting Ace from Hertfordshire police HQ to take him there. Late afternoon before he was to be collected the next morning she told us that she couldn’t get transport to collect him, we then arranged for a transporter to go and collect Ace instead.
On the day of the Post Mortem we rang the vet to confirm that Ace would be arriving later that day, the receptionist acknowledged that was fine.
Ace was collected from the police at 11am and the transport set off to deliver him to the vet some 2 hours away. Then the vet himself rang to say he couldn’t do the Post Mortem as his wouldn’t stand up to a legal case! We rang every vet we could in the area and continually called Cambridge University where we knew they performed this. The receptionists were extremely helpful at Cambridge but no one was answering the phones at the relevant department, they also sent emails to the pathologist marked urgent.
By 4pm we had been defeated, we couldn’t find anyone to do the necessary PM or store Ace until we could get him booked in for another day.
We decided that Ace needed some dignity at this point, the wonderful staff at Companion Care at Ely agreed they would take him in for cremation, even though he wasn’t registered with them. Special thanks go to Denise at Companion Care for handling everything with compassion and an obvious care that Ace was sent on his final journey with dignity.
We paid for a private cremation for Ace so that his family could have him back home, the cost of that was £173.80. The fantastic transporter who drove the whole day charged only £65 fuel costs.
So sorry we couldn’t get the answers that Ace deserved.