RIP Reefa
Post from Reefa’s owner:
My last days with u update- she wasn’t
Found dead she was taken to the vets and destroyed without my consent they didn’t even tell me or give me opportunity to say goodbye !!!!!!
South Yorkshire Police killed my dog. Disgrace of a police force I hope your proud. Today two officers knocked on my door to let me know my Reefs passed away in her kennel.
My dog died alone in a kennel- without me. She’d had major surgery. She should’ve been allowed rest at home given the situation at hand wasn’t even about aggression it was her escaping and roaming around. She’d never bitten or harmed anyone. They still have my other two dogs which have never escaped with 0 evidence to even support holding them. These 2 were seized out of spite 7 weeks ago- with no warrant they held me up in my own home for multiple hours before forcing their way in by lying and manipulating the law- when they realised I’d originally managed to get Reefaa away from the property they seized the other two PURLY out of spite/ the dogs look completely different there’s no way of confusing these animals and the original incident is on CCTV!!!! My dog didn’t deserve to die like this!!!!!!
Now my 11 year old girl is gone
She’s never coming home – I have to figure out how to live in a house without a dog -any dogs infact. Ruined my little family tore us apart for nothing. ALL I HAVE IN LIFE IS MY DOGS!
I’ve been emotionally tortured for weeks begging for information and updates on how she’s doing
Was told she’d been given the wrong doses of insulin – they’re still refusing images of my other dogs
The last report we received was Monday
All dogs doing fine – Reefaa recovering well. So why is she dead?! My world is gone. And she dies alone without me