Bruno was seized for being an XL Bully type dog by Lancashire police force. His owners had been interviewed a few days ago at Morecambe police station, they were going to go to court to ask for exemption.
They then received an email from Lancashire police apologising that due to an administrative error THE POLICE HAD MISTAKENLY KILLED BRUNO.
It’s ok though, the police assured the owner that measures have been taken within the department to ensure it doesn’t happen again!!
Meanwhile there is a heartbroken family who will never see their dog again, the bottom of the email helpfully supplies a link in case the family wishes to make a complaint.
Lancashire police have already had the deaths of two other young dogs in their kennels, both unexpected and unforgivable. This is how disposable some police forces see seized dogs.
We have given the owner of Bruno our solicitors details.
If you live in the Lancashire area please write to your MP asking them to investigate this, you can find the MPs on this link https://council.lancashire.gov.uk/mgGeneric.aspx…
Bruno, who was put to sleep due to an administrative error, by Lancashire Police, has been cremated and is back home.
His family were expecting the waggy tailed greeting that exempt dog owners delight in, they had been interviewed by the police, they had saved the money for his exemption and neutering, then they had this devastating news.
We expected the very least would be a sympathetic police officer visiting with Bruno’s ashes. The family had to go and collect them from their local police station!
There are small children at home, they don’t understand where their dog has gone, why the police have killed him when he did nothing wrong. The family have been offered no victim support services, just given an email link to fill out a complaint form.
We are exploring legal options for the family, this is a deplorable dereliction of duty by the police, the lack of care shown to the family is disgraceful. Unfortunately in law, this just counts as destruction of property, Bruno has no more value than a broken TV, the attitude shown by Lancashire police reflects this.
If you wish to make a complaint to Lancashire police you can do so via this link https://www.lancashire.police.uk/…/how-do-i-make-a…/